The Transform Program
The 360 degree approach to Weight loss!
16:8 fasting diet to stimulate your metabolism and re-balance
your hormones.
The recipes and nutritional plan are all aimed to promote
weight loss with nutritional, healthy, whole food(NO FADS)
Support and guidance throughout the 6 weeks
30 min classes to help build strength and burn fat.
Classes to choose from:
HIIT( high impact), Yoga Shred(lower impact), Kettlebells (low impact), Body Sculpt (body weight static), Yoga and Meditation (restoratative) to restore the body and soothe the mind.
The workouts are available either via the private facebook group, the website or the app, where you can also track your progress.
You can of course choose your own exercise program to do as long as you getting exercise and raising your heart rate 3-4 times a week. If movement is restricted then i would suggest walking and body sculpt to help tone and strengthen the muscles. We will discuss the best option for you when we set your goals and also throughout the 6 week program.
Mind Set
A weekly 1-1 coaching call with myself will keep you motivated and on track for your goal. You will also have access to the transform community where i will share different tips advice and you can support each other through your weight loss journey. You will also receive the mindset journal to begin to transform the mind.
Welcome to Transform!
Together we are going to go on a 6 week transformation journey that will help you change habits for life, improve your mindset and lose the weight and keep it off.
So before I go into how we are going to transform your mind, body and spirit through this amazing program, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself and my journey from obesity, struggling with mental health issues to fitness instructor, personal trainer, mindset coach and professional bodybuilder, competing and gaining success in the fitness model world.
My Journey
I had my first child at 28 years old and I had gained nearly 6 stone, going from 9 ½ stone to 15 ½ stone.
I was a comfortable size 10 and went to a 16-18 clothes size.
I had my second child at 30 years old and I had lost some weight finishing the pregnancy at 13 stone.
I gradually then over a few years lost the weight through a variety of training styles and settled around 9 ½ to 10 stone.
I had always struggled with my weight and over the years my weight had gone up and down significantly. I had a very sweet tooth and no will power and I was using food as an emotional crutch. I still have a sweet tooth but now I have changed my habits and attitude around food by improving my mindset and taking back the control. I now know how to write goals, follow them and achieve them.
After the collapse of my marriage and the loss of my dad I reached for food again to cope with anxiety and depression. This led me down the road of bulimia and alcoholism. I eventually got professional help for my illnesses and started to really examine the link between food addiction and alcohol dependence and my mental health. This helped me understand and discover tools that have not only helped me recover from both illnesses but have also given me the tools to be able to help others. Understanding the WHY is as important as understanding the HOW. I retrained in 2013 to become a fitness instructor and then in 2016 I became a personal trainer.
I began my competitive bodybuilding career at the age of 43 and took part in my first competition coming in 5th in the over 35 fitness model category. I knew that with more knowledge and the experience i had gained in the first competition, I could place higher! I wanted to gain professional status and be able to compete internationally so I gave it another go the following year.
With more knowledge and understanding of training techniques and nutrition, I came 2nd in over 45 fitness models gaining me my professional status.
So as you can see I have years of knowledge and experience in how to train the body, through exercise and nutrition and how to build a strong mindset that will ensure you achieve your goals and get the results you deserve!
I am a qualified level 3 Personal Trainer, level 2 exercise to music instructor, HIIT class instructor, group exercise instructor, yoga shred instructor and Level 4 yoga instructor.
I am currently studying Level 4 in Nutrition and Level 2 in Mental Health awareness.
With all of this knowledge and years of experience, I have put together this course for weight loss that will give you results that will boost your confidence, your health, your energy levels, your strength and your vitality!
The Transform Program
So why is this program different to others?
It is different because it is a 360 degree approach to weight loss rather than just looking at diet and maybe exercise like most diets and weight loss programs.
Why don’t these programs work?
They don’t work because they don’t take into consideration the power of your mindset!!
You may loose weight on other weight loss programs and maybe have previously, however this won’t last and you will go back to where you started and very often end up heavier than when you started. I'm guessing that why you are reading this today!
There are several aspects that makes this program unique and hugely successful!
You are accountable to me :)))
I will support and motivate you every step of the way.
We look at your mindset and change habits that aren’t working for you for habits that will.
We recognise that mindset is fundamental in the success of sustained in weight loss.
This program will re-balance your hormones and fully understands the impact of hormones on weight loss.
We guide you through the nutrition program fully and it doesn’t involve going and buying loads of fancy expensive foods.
The nutrition program is not only beneficial in weight loss it also has enormous benefits to other aspects to your health.
The whole program is science based and already tried and tested with phenominal results.
The exercise program is live!! This means again you are accountable for turning up and burning the fat! You can also do it on-demand too!
10. I am 100% committed to getting you the results you deserve and that will help you feel absolutely fantastic!!!!
Nutrition is responsible for 80% of your weight success!
For this reason it is vital for you to change your diet so that you are successful and more importantly the weight loss is sustained. The Transform weight loss program will show you how to implement the 16-8 fasting diet and i will guide you and support you to be absle to achieve this.
Intermittent fasting the benefits?
Sustainable Weight Loss
Lower Insulin Levels
Better Heart Health
Improved Brain Function
Enhanced Cellular Repair
Boosted Chronic Disease Prevention
Why is it successful for weight loss?
Intermittent fasting will send your body into fat burning heaven. Ketosis is where your body switches from burning sugar, glucose to burning fat.
Your body will go for the easiest, fastest route for energy and so if we keep feeding it, it will never start to utilise the reserves of fat within the body. It increases the production of human growth hormone which increases the metabolism and so encourages fat burn!It also keep you looking younger for longer and help with your digestive system too!
This is a 16-8 fasting diet
This means that you fast for 16 hours each day for a minimum of 5 out 7 days per week.
You eat in the 8 hour window and then fast for the remaining 16 hours. The easiest way to achieve this is to fast through the night, I would recommend having your last meal between 6 - 8 pm.
If you eat your last meal at 6 pm, your next meal will be 10 am
If you eat your last meal at 7 pm, your next meal will be at 11 am.
If your last meal is at 8 pm, the next meal will be at 12 am.
You decide what works best for you!
I recommend trying to fast 7 days a week, however if this is too challenging especially initially, then fast for a minimum of 5 days out of the 7 days per week.
The Science Behind Fasting?
The reason why this works is because it allows the sugar which is held in your cells, to be released as energy, therefore not converting to fat. Sugar that isn’t utilised will turn to fat and be stored in the body. Fasting allows not only for this energy to be used but also for the body to utilise fat as an energy source too.
Fasting will promote blood sugar control by reducing insulin. Insulin will carry unused sugar to the fat cells and keep it there if not needed.
During your fasting period our insulin will go down and allow the fat cells to release the sugar into the bloodstream to be used as energy and therefore no unused sugar is converted into fat. Your body will produce more human growth hormone which is responsible for an increase of fat burn.
You will be set a calorie target to begin with but this may change during your program depending on your progress and the speed of your metabolism. It is impossible to get a completely accurate basal metabolic rate, which is why it may need to be tweaked every now and then through the program, which we will discuss at your weekly check-ins.
There are some basic rules that need to be applied to the diet but other than that it's a very simple yet extremely effective way of losing weight and keeping it off.
The Basic Rules!
Fast for a minimum of 5 out of 7 days!
Only eat in your 8 hour window
Don't eat later than 8 pm the earlier the better
Stay within your calorie count set even on non fasting days using myfitnesspal app.(It’s free)
No processed foods
No refined sugar
Reduce alcohol intake significantly (remember most alcohol is very calorific and contains a huge amount of sugar)
If you are going to drink, try gin or vodka and tonic as these are less calorific
Increase water intake to drinking a minimum of 2 litres per day
Eat lots of dark green and purple vegetables/leaves such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, beets, cabbage etc
Introduce the foods recommended into your diet to help stimulate the metabolism, regulate your hormones and reduce inflammation.
Try to reduce white carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, especially in the last evening meal
Try to eat lots of lean protein in the last meal with vegetables, such as fish and chicken. Protein helps to reduce hunger and keeps you fuller for longer assisting your fasting period
Limit red meat to 1-2 portions per week
I will support you fully throughout the 6 weeks. In the first week which is the most challenging period I will touch base with you several times to support you and keep you on track.
Allow yourself a treat once a week!!!
Other than that you can eat what you like! :))
The exercise program consists of a variety of on-demand exercise classes.
You can do any of the classes at any time as they are all available on-demand and so you can exercise when its convenient to you!
There are some Live classes and i will send you a timetable for these classes.
These classes are for approximately 30 mins and you should burn a minimum of 300 calories in each class. They will improve your energy levels, help to boost your metabolism and burn the optimum amount of fat while not having to spend hours exercising.
You will need to attend a minimum of 3 exercise classes per week to achieve the best results.
The Benefits of HIIT!
This style of exercise has been scientifically proven to be the most successful way of burning fat
It will stimulate the metabolism
It will build strength and improve muscle tone and definition
It will improve your endurance
It will improve your cardiovascular fitness
It will burn fat up to 72 hours after you have finished exercising
It significantly raises the production of human growth hormone (hgh) responsible for an increase in fat burn and kicking the metabolism in the butt.
This technique doesn’t have to be high impact and can be utilised while walking, swimming and jogging. You can walk,swim,jog faster for 1 minute and then slow down for 30 seconds and so on. This will give you the same benefits.
The Science Behind HIIT?
HIIT causes an increase in oxygen consumption (EPOC), which means that the body has to work harder to get back to a pre-exercise state than other cardio exercises. This means you use energy after you have finished exercising and therefore burn more calories and more FAT!
It will increase your resting metabolic rate again increasing calorie burn. It is not only about the calorie burn while you are exercising but about the time after the exercising is over. It significantly raises the production of human growth hormone (hgh) responsible for an increase in fat burn and kicking the metabolism in the butt.
You will burn many more calories in a shorter period of exercising and continue to burn after you have stopped exercising so your overall burn will be much greater than any other cardio exercise in the time period you are exercising.
You can either access classes via the facebook page, the website or the app.
The Mindset
One of the hardest parts of achieving your weight loss goals is sticking with it. That's where I come in and the Transform community! I am going to support and motivate you every step of the way. We will touch base once a week in a 1-1 call, where we can address any dietary issues you might be having and also ensure you are coping with the exercise classes and following the mindset program. We are together going to improve habits and redefine your relationship with food and exercise. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions and for myself to ensure you are still heading in the right direction toward achieving your goal. It is very important for you to be accountable and it has been proven that being accountable ensures greater success in achieving any goal.
You will also receive your mindset journal where you will start to look at starting your day off in the right way and keeping your weight loss goal in mind.
Sleep and Stress
Sleep is very important when trying to lose weight for a couple of reasons. Sleep deprivation will encourage sugar cravings and it will also cause a surge or cortisol through the body. High levels of stress will do the same and so ensuring that you sleep for 8 hours per night and reduce your stress levels is essential to successful weight loss. We have several recorded, guided meditations that you can use to help reduce stress levels and also help to encourage sleep. These are available on the website under MIND.
I am running a completely free meditation group on a Monday evening at 8pm to help you to introduce meditation into your program if you want to.
Your Part
At the beginning of the course we will set your goals for weight loss over the next 6 weeks. It takes 21 days to form a habit but longer to ingrain a habit which is why the program is set for this time period and the online weight loss support can continue for as long as you need it.
Within the initial enrolment you will be asked to measure your waist, hips, top of right thigh and top of right arm and record these and again at the 3 week mark and at the end of the 6 weeks.
You will also be asked to weigh yourself each week to keep you on track and ensure you are heading in the right direction.
You need to commit to the 6 week program as without this you won’t succeed!
You must do at least 3 exercise classes per week, follow the dietary advice and let me know if you are having difficulties, attend the 1-1 session each week to ensure you are on track to achieve your goal and as when you can join the group session where you will be able to support and feel part of the transform community.
My Part
I will keep you motivated and supported throughout! I will be available at any point for additional support if need be. I will commit to the 1-1 session every week to discuss any issues or just to praise your success and keep you motivated.
I will provide you with new classes on a weekly basis to keep you motivated and to ensure you don’t get bored!
I will help you set your goals and ensure you stay focused on achieving them.