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This plant based recipe book has everything you need to spice up your plant based diet. Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, all with antioxidant qualities, high fibre, and still plenty of programme. It will improve your microbiome promoting your overall health, while helping the environment.

This meal plan will help you to introduce the recipe book on a weekly basis.. It includes shopping lists, plans for the day and week, nutritional values and prep suggestions to make introducing these recipes easy.

High Protein
This High Protein recipe book, includes recipes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. By boosting your protein you will encourage weight loss, boost your muscle growth and level your blood sugar.
The 4 week meal plan will help you introduce the High Protein recipe book into your life. With shopping lists, meal plans per day and per week, nutritional values for the week and ideas for prepping for the week ahead.

Family Friendly
Healthy, breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas for all the family. Delicious, nutritious, time friendly recipes t hat will keep the whole family happy, healthy and well nourished.

The meal plan will make the preparation, weekly shop and nutritional values, easy and manageable.

Hormone Health
This recipe book will balance your hormones which is especially important as you go into the peri-menopause and menopause phase of your lives. This book includes breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, nutritional values and will allow you take back control of your health and wellbeing, helping you to loose that stubborn belly fat.

The plan will make introducing these nutritional changes to help optimise your health, easier and more manageable. There are nutritional values weekly plans, shopping lists and ideas for how to prepare for the week ahead.